"…A year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, which then necessitated having a mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and now a year of herceptin. As a Medical Professional too, I am well aware of my diagnosis and possible prognosis, have faced it head on and life goes on as normal - busy!
I have a daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren who live in America and because of my medical condition was obviously not allowed to travel to the USA for Christmas 2005 as had been planned.
I was heart broken. Having now completed my treatment, all but the Herceptin, the Oncology Consultant allowed me to travel to the USA in September and I am returning for Christmas.
However, going to the USA particularly, I needed to have medical/travel insurance... ...It was also suggested to me that I telephone a few other Insurance Companies to see how their quotes compared. I did as was suggested.
I sat one Wednesday afternoon and telephoned about seven or eight companies and had to give up. Most of these calls went through to 'call centres'. There was absolutely no sensitivity used in asking the questions about my medical condition, they were like bullets being fired out of a gun, talk about being put through 'the third degree', including the question 'have you been diagnosed as being terminally ill?' I was prepared for that question but it was not what was asked but the way in which it was asked. Not one of these companies offered me an 'excess' as part of the quote and they were all hundreds, (one company thousands), of pounds more expensive than Medi Travelcover. Some companies would not even give me insurance cover. It is bad enough having the diagnosis of cancer without being treated like an alien because of it.
I would like to say a huge thank you and cannot praise Medi Travelcover enough for all their help, the sensitive way in which they deal with their clients, and the comprehensive service they offer....
Yours sincerely..."
S.M.O.Sandhurst, Berkshire.